Running Errands
We are definitely learning how to run errands a whole new way. In Decatur, we would make our list of all of our stops with all of the items we needed to pick up. We would then hop in the car and make our rounds. When we got home, we would unload our cargo and put it all away. Easy as that.
Now, running errands takes a little more effort and planning on our part. One, because we walk everywhere. Two, because we can only buy what we can carry. So, running errands now looks something like this... Leash up Kona, go down the elevator and take him on a walk around the gardens. Back up the elevator to get him settled in apartment, get keys, purse, etc. and then back down elevator. Walk to mall where the Ace Hardware, department store, and grocery store are. Get items needed at Ace. Carrying Ace bag continue on to department store where we decide what we can buy and carry especially if we still need to pick up a couple of things at the grocery store. At the grocery store, we now decide that we can only buy ingredients for one meal instead of two and that will be pushing it. On the way home, we find we forgot water and stop by the mini mart for a 6 liter bottle of water. OK, so now we have a full load!
And, why don't we take a taxi some may ask... Well, the mall is literally across the street, so... Actually, they will deliver your groceries if you want. A guy will push the shopping cart across the street and up to your apartment. I guess we may get to that point. I do enjoy getting out each day and doing the errand thing; it really is fun - a different way of doing things, and it is great exercise!
When I visited in England, it was similar. I plan my trips so that I wouldn't have that much to carry or carry it as long. This will certainly keep you active and always making the most of your trips. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!